Pretty good....but a question...
...why would you ever go to AOL chat?????
Anyway that was pretty funny I liked it and gave it 4. Well done.
Pretty good....but a question...
...why would you ever go to AOL chat?????
Anyway that was pretty funny I liked it and gave it 4. Well done.
Ok, getting better...
yes, yes, a half-good story is there, some nice music....but man those graphics, the two black men at the end were ok but the blob people are worse than stickmen. Also you might wanna make it so there legs move, do a movie clip or something for them. But pretty good, get your potential together and put your effort into something're pretty good, and could be damn good if you practise and keep trying. Good luck. was pretty good, I dunno about no.2....
I appreciate it was your first movie, and thats pretty good for a first...aprt from that, it was pretty funny. Anyway, good effort, and I have a question....where do you get that "ah-hugh!" shout of pain sound effect from? (the stickman sez it when he gets hit with the baseball bat). Anyway, good effort again.
I recorded it off of
Too long, and not funny.
First, you have to wait for ages for it to load. Then, you have to sit through about about 1 hour of complete crap. Then, it ends, and you realise you haven't laughed throughout the whole damn thing. Every single joke was cheap. It bored me as much of sitting in that resteraunt for ages must have bored Vader. Besides, we already have enough shitty star wars stuff, which is star wars gangsta rap. I cant believe that got to no.1! Anyway, try decent jokes and don't make the boring bits go on for too long. And don't make the boring bits the whole movie. This sucks.
This sucks
This just isn't funny, man. You just got some sound file, and then some picture files, and did a few mouth actions. This badly sucks. They should die in funny ways. People dying isn't funny on its own, it needs humour.
Do we have a new No.1 on our hands?
This movie has a score of 4.49, which is enough to beat the no.1 of all time. Does it deserve it? Well, let me first say this movie is a bit pants, as hardly anything happens in it. Let me then say that Star Wars: Gangsta Rap is total dog shit. Then let me say that Final Task is OK. Does it deserve no.1? Well, if our current no.1 is ok, and no.2 is total dog shit, i guess it deserves no.2...but how do these crap movies get to the top?
Overall, though, an ok piece of work. Nice effort. Graphics, however, were intensive, and then you've got your old Yellow Block people to spoil it. Pity.
Nuh way..
That would make me feel sick to see this at no.1. 2.51? c'mon, people, my movies are way better than this and its about as high as them. What are you people, stupid? are you going to let this pieced of shit go to the top of the week?
uh....parody paradise?
I guess this must be an american show or something. I have no idea why thats funny, I guess it's cool to bring out the child in me.
Not much effort, and it's still cool. Well done.
"Keep trying, believe in yourself, learn, and you will succeed."
Age 44, Male
Uni student
Joined on 9/11/00