Why can't you accept the truth?
It's not a movie, it's a crappy picture with a wav file. Musta taken you, ooh, I dunno, 1 minute?
If you submit stuff like that, people are gonna realise it, and thats why it gets bad marks. It's no good mouthing off that people got abused as children and insulting their parents. Jeez, you're immature, how old are you 8?
How do idiots like that get the money for flash? Surely they're too stupid to find a crack or something.
Although that audio was ok, you could have animated it a little, how hard is it to make a movie clip of moving mouths? Try actually making a movie next time, and quit leaving stupid message replies, I assure you it doesn't impress people, it just makes them think your an idiot. Which you probably are replying with crap like that.