That was pretty good
A nice little short. But...errr.....
when you "win", you don't actually find out the time. Wasn't that the aim of the game?
Also it was a tad on the easy side...I did it 1st try.
Keep it up.
That was pretty good
A nice little short. But...errr.....
when you "win", you don't actually find out the time. Wasn't that the aim of the game?
Also it was a tad on the easy side...I did it 1st try.
Keep it up.
That was pretty good.
Never seen a flash version of minesweeper before. It's pretty good, but it's not as good as the one you get with windows. How about:
difficulty levels (harder difficulties have bigger grids and more mines?)
A way to mark out where you think mines are? You could have a button that switches to "mine marking mode" or something.
Good one, an origianal idea.
A few tips...
Wasn't it sposed to be the stick mafia? They didn't look like stickmen to me. They were blue, but they just..weren't stickmen. Stickmen have thin, stick bodies (see one of my works). There was a little too much blood. The 1st level was too easy and the 2nd too hard. The 2nd level was mad, and incredibly annoying, try tomake it easier. And colour in the guy in the intro. It was pretty boring, put more action in it. Also, on level 2, surely the stickmans not dumb enough to just sit there getting shot? He should dodge, and you should control the dodging. That could say, enhance the 2nd level. A nice 1st try, keep trying and don't give up.
And at least the average score isn't 0 anymore. Some people just don't vote fairly, they see stickmen and their review basically sez "gay stickmen suck sux your gay" instead of giving advice and talking about the movie. Keep trying.
This is looking great.
Looking good at the moment, but it's not very long at the moment. Genarally good on graphics and sound. I like the style of the game and when the game gets bigger, so will that 6 I gave you. Don't let the 6 discourage you, if the movie were longer, I would be giving it higher. Keep it up, the puzzles are quite good and I hope to see more of them. Keep releasing demo's, I'm interested in what will ome next.
Great, but I was having probs with the blue tank
I couln't seem to fire past the tent, the bullets kept smashing into the hill forcing me to fire REALLY high, making it a tad tougher. But, great effort, and fun to fiddle with (even if it envolves MATHS *shudder*). Good effort, good result.
I don't believe some of you guys....
Needs more VIOLENCE? Add HUMOR?
This isn't some cheap laugh game, man, it's a *serious* game. Why do some people rely on blood and stupid jokes (usually pornographic stuff, too, the idots you get these days), to like a movie?
If you ask me, it was cool, notice how no-one says *what* was wrong with it? These people are all idiots, I mean, if it sucked it wouldn't be in the adventure section of games with a picture next to it, people are so dumb I mean my own "ViolentScope" got higher than this and it's not as good....this deserves a much higher rating, lots of effort, good graphics and sound, a nice know some poeple are idiots.
Nice work.
Lots of was atmospheric, though:)
No motives at all, no suspects til the end and you have no idea who they are even then, so you don't have any idea who it could be when you click "take a ride". Some of the clues give it away, especially the scratch, the car profiles, and the pocket items. USeless things include some scratches on the hotel doorknob - whats that got to do with a bullet in the head? And, err...whats the car got to do with anyway, if he shot him? So a car crashed afterwards, it could be he fell on the road and some guy had to swerve to run him over! To make a good murder mystery game, you need:
Motives, suspects, clues which all build up to you knowing it, possibly a twist, it was someone being framed etc, or the victim faked it all for some reason, no give-it-all-away clues, not many completly-insignificant clues, and all these qualities must be good...keep trying, eh?
Yes, ok...but a small point...
You know it's him because he wasn't wearing gloves and there were fingerprints on the table ujpstairs? Who cares? Whats the table up stairs got to do with the murder? He could have picked up, I dunno, a pack of polos from there and left fingerprints!!! You need to think it out more carefuly, also the blood type made it too was easy. Keep trying, though.
It was ok...i guess....
But.....can you die at all? And whats to stop you just keeing on using magic? I didn't once click anything's WAAAAY to easy. If there actually is a system behind it, you need hit point meters to show how much you and your opponents energy is. Carry on working....
10-scoring-stuff, but...
as much as I would have liked to give you a 10, there was a major problem. The "major secret" of this, has bugs regarding the magic eye. The "next" button doesn't seem to work, and also most of the other links lead to a blank "planet staurn" frame.Such a pity....
For those of you who wanna know the secrets, I have found 2, and I don't think there's any more.1) In the library, on the bottom shelf, click all the books. One reveals a safe containing "virtual acid trip O.D.". 2) In the main hall, there is a shelf with a book on it. Move the cursor over the corner of the shelf, and the candals should light. click, and go down the stairs revealed. Sorry for spoiling it, Dave!
"Keep trying, believe in yourself, learn, and you will succeed."
Age 44, Male
Uni student
Joined on 9/11/00